The Urbit Guidebook

Guides for Urbit Operators

and Community Leaders

Getting Started

How to Inspect an ID

Urbit IDs unlock an entire digital world, and while they are NFTs, there’s a lot more to them than your typical piece of digital art.

Which ID Should I Buy?

A buyer's guide to the 5 different types of Urbit IDs: Galaxy, Star, Planet, Moon, & Comet


Operating your Node

Running a Star

As a star operator, you should gain familiarity with what your star can do, what is expected of it, and how to perform the tasks associated with its custody.

Running a Galaxy

Urbit's address space has 256 central nodes, called galaxies. By operating a galaxy, you have elected to participate in the network's infrastructure and governance. Operating a galaxy is an important job, and carries special considerations.

Help and Support

Need help operating your star or galaxy? Don't be a stranger. Reach out to us at the email below.